Pattipan Counseling



The thought of marriage
seems to have a bewitching
power upon the minds of
many of the youth.  Two
persons become aquainted:
they are infatuated with
each other, and their whole
attention is absorbed. 
Reason is blinded, and
judgment is overthrown.
They will not submit to any
advice or control, but insist
on having their own way,
regardless of consequences.
Like some epidemic,or
contagion, that must run
it's course, is the infatuation
that possesses them: and
there seems to be no such
thing as putting a stop to it.
Perhaps there are those
around them who realize
that, should the parties
interested be united in
marriage, it could only
result in life-long unhappiness
But intreaties and exortations
are given in vain.
Ellen White

The Lord is helping
and is ful of love
and care for all who
want Him to look
after their problems
and troubles of all





For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh.  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh.  What therefore
God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.  Matthew 19:5,6.





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