What is your favorite
Make it simple!
Try just applesauceand peanut
Slice your raw potatoe thin
and lay the slices in the waffle
iron for ten to fifteen minutes.
How crispy do you like them?
Add two cups of cooked
diced beats with juice
to a sauce made of one
tablespoon of lemon and
honey each, salt to your taste
and two tablespoons of
tapioca powder and bring
to a boil. Turn heat down
and stir till smooth.
Try some fresh fruit that
is diced one cup each of
banana, blueberry, apple,
mandarin oranges, and
pineapple. Pour coconut
cream over top. MMM
This is so good!! Dice
one avocado and one
large tomato. Add one
fourth cup of chopped
onion and one fourth
cup of sliced olives
and one fourth cup
diced tofu with one
fourth cup of spoon
sized shredded wheat
Mix real good with a
few drops of olive oil
and salt. If you are a
lemon person sprinkle
a few drops of lemon
over it. This is nice
with a regular meal
served as the salad
or used as a sandwich
filler or mixed into
rice or a topping on
pasta. Happy dinning!