Wrong ideas of
courtship and marriage.
The ideas of courtship
have their foundation
in erroneous ideas
concerning marriage.
They follow impulse
and blind passion.
The courtship is carried
on in a spirit of flirtation.
The parties frequently
violate the rules of
modesty and reserve
and are guilty of
indiscretion, if they
do not break the law
of God. The high, noble,
lofty design of God in
the institution of
marriage is not
discerned; therefore
the purest affections
of the heart, the
noblest traits of
character are not
Qualities to be sought
in a prospective husband.
Before giving her hand in
marriage; every woman
should enquire whether
he with whom she is
about to unite her destiny
is worthy. What has been
his past record? Is his life
pure? Is the love which
he expresses of a noble,
elevated character: or is
it a mere emotional
fondness. Has he the
traits of character that
will make her happy?
Can she find real peace
and joy in his affection?
Will she be allowed to
preserve her individuality,
or must her judgment
be surrendered to the
control of her husband?
Can she honor the Saviors
claims as supreme? Will
body and soul, thoughts
and purposes , be preserved
pure and holy? These
questions have a vital bearing
upon the well-being of every
woman who enters the marriage
Marriage was instituted in Eden.
After the creation of Adam, the
Lord said, "It is not good that
the man should be alone; I
will make him a help meet
suitable for him." When the
Lord presented Eve to Adam;
Angels of God were witnesses
to the ceremony. But there
are few couples who are
completely united when
the marriage ceremony
is performed. The form
of words spoken over
the two who take the
marriage vow does
not make them a unit.
In their future life is to
be the blending of the
two in wedlock. It
may be made a really
happy union if each
will give to the other
true heart affection.
Ellen White