Abraham taught his
household to serve
the Lord.
Many mothers feel that
they have not time
to instruct their children,
and in order to get them
out of the way, and get
rid of their noise and
trouble, they send them
to school. The school-
room is a hard place for
children who have
inherited enfeebled
rooms generally have
not been constructed
in reference to health
but in regard to
rooms have not
been arranged so
that they could be
ventilated as they
should have been
without exposing
the children to
severe colds. And
the seats have
seldom been made
so that the children
could sit with ease,
and keep their little
growing frames in
a proper posture to
ensure healthy
action of lungs
and heart. Young
children can grow
into almost any
shape, and can by
proper exercise,
and positions of
the body, obtain
healthy forms. It
is destructive to
the health and life
of young children
to sit in the school-
room upon hard ill-
formed benches
from three to five
hours a day,
inhaling the
impure air of
many breaths.
The weak lungs
become affected,
the brain, from
which the nervous
energy from the
whole system is
derived, becomes
infeebled by being
called in to active
exercise before the
strength of the
mental organs
is sufficiently
matured to
endure fatigue.
Ellen White