These are character building
songs with pictures to go a-
long with the lesson in the
The first one is called
O I Love to Hear His Voice
This one is FREE.
Order from
The second CD is songs
Written by Richard Weber
and sung by the two of us.
God's Boundless Love.
The third one is illustrated
with pictures with the
Christmas songs that we
sing. This one is FREE.
I saw we must be daily
rising and keep the
ascendancy above the
powers of darkness.
Our God is mighty. I saw
singing to the glory of
God often drove the
enemy away, and
praising God would
bear him back and
give us the victory.
It is not safe for the
Lord's workers to
take part in worldly
Association with
worldliness in
musical lines
is looked upon
as harmless by
some Sabbath-
keepers. But
such ones are
on dangerous
ground. Thus
Satan seeks to
lead men and
women astray,
and thus he has
gained control
of souls. So
smooth, so
plausible is
the working
of the enemy
that his wiles
are not suspected,
and many church
members become
lovers of pleasure
more than lovers
of God.
Ellen White