Pattipan Counseling

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Enjoy the Best 

 And God Said, Behold I have
given you every herb bearing
seed which is upon the face of
all the earth, and every tree in
the which is the fruit of a tree
yielding seed;  to you it shall
be for meat.  Genesis 1:29.
  Pattypan squash (scallop)
  Steam or boil whole squash
until tender.  Sprinkle with a
few drops of virgin olive oil
and salt.  Enjoy
At bountiful tables men often
eat much more than can be
easily digested.  The
overburdened stomach
cannot do its work properly. 
The result is a disagreeable
feeling of dullness in the brain. 
The mind does not act quickly. 
And when several kinds of
food are eaten at the same
meal, indigestion is often the
result.  Some foods do not
agree with other foods. 
A disturbance is created
by improper combination
of food, fermentation sets
in, the blood is contaminated,
and the brain is confused.
"And to knowledge temperance.
"  Each one must settle for
himself the question of temperance. 
You are to put nothing into your lips
that will overtax the digestive organs. 
This is necessary, if you would have
a clear mind.
Ellen White

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Eat to the glory of God!!